HOly Moly it's hot out there! Thank God for cotton summer dresses, flip flops, and hair ties. Without them I would surely melt.
This summer has been so extremely busy for the most part. I have been so blessed to have the time to spend with family and friends. I have been out to eat more in the last few months than probably my whole life. Breakfast lunch and dinner. And I'm not complaining! haha. In fact I have lunch plans today and tomorrow! I am also going to Ellenton Outlet Mall today. I gotta hit up the Carter's Store!! I am very excited about that one! :)
Well I had my 3 hour Blood Glucose test this week. They drew my blood a total of 5 times within 3.5-4 hours. While fasting, and only had this pure sugar drink. I don't have the results yet, but I do have a bunch of tiny bruises to show for it. Seriously they should just give you an I.V. and a sedative and wake you up when it's over. It wasn't a big deal, besides the starvation, and then the messed up stomach after finally eating.. haha. It just took all day and they stuck me 5 times. So you can see my logic, no? :) Hopefully everything will come out normal, and I can get back to eating my dessert!! (just kidding... sort of) I have a doctors appointment a week from tomorrow, so we'll know then!
As far as Germany goes, we are still waiting on Robbie's divorce to be final... stupid paperwork keeps getting messed up. In any case, movement is happening so that is a blessing!! Keep praying my warriors!! Hopefully we'll have a resolution to that in the next week or so. And our marriage paperwork is almost complete and to the place who will be marrying us. All they need is that divorce paper. Once that happens, hopefully things will be full speed ahead.... I know I'm going to freak out slightly when that does happen, because I will be getting closer to leaving. As excited and happy and joyful as it makes me to join my hubby, the daddy of our son, and our new home... I still get anxious about leaving my life here. Again... easiest and hardest thing in the world.
This Saturday, we are having the worlds most awesome yard sale at the Carlisles! Jason has been and will be the most biggest help with all of this.. I think he shouldv'e been a professional yard saler.. he gets so excited about it! :) In any case, he is transporting my JUNK all over the planet getting it to his house and they have allowed me to store my JUNK in their garage for a while now.... I am so greatful for the Carlisle's! They are my awesome friends and I am so greatful for the time I have had to spend with them and their family. So COME OUT TO OUR AWESOME YARD SALE!!! AND TAKE HOME SOME TREASURES!! haha
Alright, well I better wrap this up, fixing to get my shop on!! Yes!!
check back for more!!
Love ya'll!!
Jennie Almost Simison!!