I hate roaches. Probably one of the most undesirable things I can think of on this planet. I mean what is there purpose? I have no idea. To be disgusting? Yes. That is there only purpose. Well I won't elaborate on the SEVERAL man-sized cockroaches that have surprised me in this old Florida house of mine. I won't go into the details of the many times in the wee hours of the night I have sprayed an entire room with roach spray chasing one of those giant things around, only to find them dead 2 rooms over the next morning and have to remove, sanitize or throw out much of what was in the sprayed room. I won't tell you how I was washing my face, and there one was just staring at me 5 inches from my face, peeking out from the bathroom mirror. Don't get me wrong, we have pest control...and the direct quote from the pest control man was that the stuff he used was less toxic than table salt...I was questioning him with concerns for the baby..but as these things keep popping up, I'm like do I need to sprinkle some darn table salt around the house??? Will that work better than the supposed pest control we have going on?? I wonder what really is in that container he carries around the house...Could be glitter for all I know. He might think he's a fairy or something, spreading cheer throughout the neighborhood. Either way...none of that is the main point. The main point is that the bugs are attracted to me.
The past few weeks my houes has been infested with tiny spiders. I have found them everywhere, and the Baby even had 2 tiny bites on him one morning. THAT IS WHEN I DECIDED TO FIND THEM. MISSION: KILL THEM ALL. I'm still working on it, but the baby's room was completely torn apart and vacuumed, the bug guy has been here to "spray" if that's what he does. Maybe his container holds good thoughts of no bugs...hmmm....ok well enough of that. I had a dream amongst all of this...When I was pregnant, I swore that would wake up and see mice and rats (not altogether, but one or the other) sitting across the room, or even very close to me. I would jump up, turn all the lights on and search for like 2 hours and then not be able to sleep. I thought I was going crazy. Turns out we caught a rat in the attic of the house I was staying at within the same month. I don't know if I ever really saw anything or if it was pregnancy 6th sense I had. I think the latter is true, because we never found a point of entry to me....I say all that to say that I had the same experience with the spider a few weeks ago I woke up and could have sworn a giant spider was dangling over my bed...even though all the spiders I have seen in the house have been the size of like a pin head. I jumped up, turned the light on, tossed my room about for a while and freaked out for a good while. Eventually I crawled back UNDER the covers and went to sleep. I swear to you I am NOT going crazy nor am I on any psychotic or hallucination enducing drugs. :P
SO my story takes us to THIS week. I decided to go down to the local Southern Hospitality. Haven't been there in like 10 years or something. I needed to kill an hour or so. I scrolled through the whole store, enjoying myself. Over to the furniture section I was all the way in the back corner (and this used to be an old wal mart so VERY BIG STORE) and while stopped looking at something, I felt a tickle on my foot but not enough to actually think it was something. Well I started walking and actually FELT something of weight, looked down and a giant man sized cockroach was now laying on his back, which I had kicked off of my foot. It slid across the floor and was now dancing on its back. UGHUGHGUGHGUHGUGHG I mean I think this is worse than mold. WORSE. So I freak out for a minute. Shake myself off, check my legs, my hair, even my purse for more of these varmants. Finally I move on, even though I WAS SO ANGRY. I didn't stop again, and every little thing I felt freaked me out after that. Not to mention I wanted to dip my foot in acid to clean it off and throw out my flip flops. OH yes there was definite skin to roach contact. I have to stop typing about it, cuz it's freaking me out now. OK Onto my next story....
2 days later I go to Arby's to get a sweet tea, which I NEVER DO. My sister was with me and I was getting 2 sweet teas. We were sitting at the drive up window and the lady hands me the first sweet tea. Directly as this happens a GIANT MAN SIZED cockroach crawls up the wall directly towards the open drive thru window. Like 1 foot from my hand, open window, and sweet tea. AND THE LADY INSIDE DOESN'T KNOW AND IS TRYING TO HAND ME MY TEA. I'm all YOU MIGHT WANT TO BACK UP!!! AS I AM QUICKLY FREAKING OUT AND BACKING MY CAR UP AND FREAKING OUT. So now I'm sitting in the drive thru refusing to drive forward because THE ROACH CRAWLED RIGHT INTO THE DRIVE THRU WINDOW!! AND INTO THE ARBY'S!!!WTH! I thought the employees were going to shoo it outside you know, but nothing happened. They just welcomed this GIANT 4 inch roach right into the store. Finally a hand pops out of the window and waves me forward. I was like really??? haha It was so disgusting....I don't know where all the roaches are coming from, but I'm ready for it to be over.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
IT'S ALMOST AUGUST!! Baby Robbie's Explorations & My Disgust at Cleaning the Bathroom
Ha! Yes. That's what I tell Robbie when he calls. It's almost August!! Time flies when you're counting the days. :P Don't know what that means, but interpret as you wish.
So, the boy! He has been a busy little bee lately. Today alone was a day of new things. :) Let's see, FIRST thing this morning he pulled a glass right off a table he could reach and it SMASHED onto the floor at his feet. Good thing I was not to far, and grabbed him before he moved. He then got strapped into his high chair, where he enjoyed watching me sweep, vacuum and mop several times the entire 30 yard perimeter...hey that glass flies ok! I had to get it up! I think we're good. Even sucked up a tiny spider in the midst of it. Score 10 points!! Darn spiders have infested my house. ugh. That's another post entirely, which I will write directly after this one. I almost wrote I will write right after this, but I though that was too many rights..so..yeh. Moving on! Another exciting thing he did today was crawl ON TOP of his walker. Oh yes He stands on the base of the walker and crawled right on top of the tray part. He actually got his foot into the hole as if he was trying to crawl into the walker, but I do not believe this was his intent. Silly boy. Here is a pic of that. :)

So that's fun for the mama!! haha :P
One thing I thought was so awesome, we have a book that has Daddy Robbie's voice recorded in it reading the pages and a special message at the beginning. Well I taped a picture of Daddy Robbie and Baby Robbie in the front of the book where this special message is. One thing I should mention is that Baby Robbie learned to scream this week...at the top of his pitchy little squeeky voice...oi! Tonight as we were preparing for bed I got the book and opened it to the opening message and when Baby Robbie heard Daddy's voice, he turned from the other side of the room and started SCREAMING with excitement!! He crawled right over and started banging on the book...most of that is normal, he loves that book and looking at the picture, but the scream was added tonight which made even more awesome. :) OH but as we were listening to it tonight, HE ACTUALLY TURNED 2 PAGES...I started to turn the page, and he pushed it down, like to turn it. I was like you booger! So smart!
He has acquired 2 teeth as well. Here is a pic we were trying to get to show Daddy Robbie.

Ok so I think that is all that happened today.....
On to my bathroom disgust.
I HATE CLEANING THE BATHROOM. I hate it. I hate mold. I don't clean things with mold. I throw them out and buy a new one. Seriously. Tupperware? DOn't care...out it goes. SO anywho, this bathroom that is in this house is awful. I mean I LOVE my little house, but the bathroom is the worst room of all. It reminds me of a park bathroom. Like a bathroom you use at the park. It even came fully stocked with cobwebs and spiders. ugh. And this disgust didn't start here. I have never liked cleaning the bathroom. I have had people do it for me A LOT. And the way I clean the bathroom....I poor bleach on everything...leave for 3 days and then come back with a pressure washer, stand back and blast whatever the bleach did not eat off. Just thinking about this makes me want to gag. I hate it. I am telling you all this because tonight, I cleaned the shower/tub. I mean since I moved in I have cleaned it with Clorox wipies and wiped it out and stuff, but the drains in my house haven't drained properly since I moved in which creates problems in the cleanliness dept. And normally, it would be of less concern, except Baby Robbie started traveling in the bathtub now and I can't contain him. He wants to grab everything and suck on the tub and UGHHGUHGUGHUGHG I can't stand it. I don't even want to touch him when he gets out. hahaha :P Terrible I know. And it really wasn't dirty, but just to me...yuck!!!!! So I broke down and cleaned it tonight. My bathroom is the worst. The shower is like a hand-me-down from the second hand trailer park bathroom supply store..no joke. It's plastic, and what is metal is all corroding and therefore flaking black stuff, so gross, and I don't know what else. And there is a nice big seam around the top of the tub connecting the wall and it's sealed with caulk and it's all flaking and discolored and DISGUSTING. And of course Baby Robbie WANTS IT! He wants to touch it, eat it, play with it....omw I can't handle it. Ok, so now it's all nice and sanitized anyways. :P Baby Robbie had a nice clean bath tonight where he got to try out the nice new clean tub.
On the mold subject, I can't handle it. Why try. I can easily go pick up another tupperware, or use one of the 10,000 that I have in my cupboard. I would just need to spend 3 hours trying to find the lid. That is all. My mother in law has found out about my mold-phobia. Which she will clean anything. I unpacked one of our coffee makers, and the inside coffee area had been stored with the coffee grinds in it. Well it was a mold-fest in there. My mother in law was right there with me, and I'm like in the trash this goes...and it's a nice coffee maker too...Well she insisted on taking it and cleaning it..actually I think she did this one day without me knowing, because I would've insisted that she NOT do it for the sake of my gag reflexes..haha :P But I can't believe how clean it is and how awesome she did!! amazing! Of course, I will never use that coffee maker again. I already have my pink one set up and the other will never set foot on my kitchen countertop again. Because I KNOW WHAT'S BEEN IN THERE. BUT maybe it will be a nice yard sale item. :) And I can buy some MORE BLEACH FOR THE BATHROOM!!!!!!
haha Ok enough of the madness. Enjoy your Wednesday evenings!
So, the boy! He has been a busy little bee lately. Today alone was a day of new things. :) Let's see, FIRST thing this morning he pulled a glass right off a table he could reach and it SMASHED onto the floor at his feet. Good thing I was not to far, and grabbed him before he moved. He then got strapped into his high chair, where he enjoyed watching me sweep, vacuum and mop several times the entire 30 yard perimeter...hey that glass flies ok! I had to get it up! I think we're good. Even sucked up a tiny spider in the midst of it. Score 10 points!! Darn spiders have infested my house. ugh. That's another post entirely, which I will write directly after this one. I almost wrote I will write right after this, but I though that was too many rights..so..yeh. Moving on! Another exciting thing he did today was crawl ON TOP of his walker. Oh yes He stands on the base of the walker and crawled right on top of the tray part. He actually got his foot into the hole as if he was trying to crawl into the walker, but I do not believe this was his intent. Silly boy. Here is a pic of that. :)
So that's fun for the mama!! haha :P
One thing I thought was so awesome, we have a book that has Daddy Robbie's voice recorded in it reading the pages and a special message at the beginning. Well I taped a picture of Daddy Robbie and Baby Robbie in the front of the book where this special message is. One thing I should mention is that Baby Robbie learned to scream this week...at the top of his pitchy little squeeky voice...oi! Tonight as we were preparing for bed I got the book and opened it to the opening message and when Baby Robbie heard Daddy's voice, he turned from the other side of the room and started SCREAMING with excitement!! He crawled right over and started banging on the book...most of that is normal, he loves that book and looking at the picture, but the scream was added tonight which made even more awesome. :) OH but as we were listening to it tonight, HE ACTUALLY TURNED 2 PAGES...I started to turn the page, and he pushed it down, like to turn it. I was like you booger! So smart!
He has acquired 2 teeth as well. Here is a pic we were trying to get to show Daddy Robbie.
Ok so I think that is all that happened today.....
On to my bathroom disgust.
I HATE CLEANING THE BATHROOM. I hate it. I hate mold. I don't clean things with mold. I throw them out and buy a new one. Seriously. Tupperware? DOn't care...out it goes. SO anywho, this bathroom that is in this house is awful. I mean I LOVE my little house, but the bathroom is the worst room of all. It reminds me of a park bathroom. Like a bathroom you use at the park. It even came fully stocked with cobwebs and spiders. ugh. And this disgust didn't start here. I have never liked cleaning the bathroom. I have had people do it for me A LOT. And the way I clean the bathroom....I poor bleach on everything...leave for 3 days and then come back with a pressure washer, stand back and blast whatever the bleach did not eat off. Just thinking about this makes me want to gag. I hate it. I am telling you all this because tonight, I cleaned the shower/tub. I mean since I moved in I have cleaned it with Clorox wipies and wiped it out and stuff, but the drains in my house haven't drained properly since I moved in which creates problems in the cleanliness dept. And normally, it would be of less concern, except Baby Robbie started traveling in the bathtub now and I can't contain him. He wants to grab everything and suck on the tub and UGHHGUHGUGHUGHG I can't stand it. I don't even want to touch him when he gets out. hahaha :P Terrible I know. And it really wasn't dirty, but just to me...yuck!!!!! So I broke down and cleaned it tonight. My bathroom is the worst. The shower is like a hand-me-down from the second hand trailer park bathroom supply store..no joke. It's plastic, and what is metal is all corroding and therefore flaking black stuff, so gross, and I don't know what else. And there is a nice big seam around the top of the tub connecting the wall and it's sealed with caulk and it's all flaking and discolored and DISGUSTING. And of course Baby Robbie WANTS IT! He wants to touch it, eat it, play with it....omw I can't handle it. Ok, so now it's all nice and sanitized anyways. :P Baby Robbie had a nice clean bath tonight where he got to try out the nice new clean tub.
On the mold subject, I can't handle it. Why try. I can easily go pick up another tupperware, or use one of the 10,000 that I have in my cupboard. I would just need to spend 3 hours trying to find the lid. That is all. My mother in law has found out about my mold-phobia. Which she will clean anything. I unpacked one of our coffee makers, and the inside coffee area had been stored with the coffee grinds in it. Well it was a mold-fest in there. My mother in law was right there with me, and I'm like in the trash this goes...and it's a nice coffee maker too...Well she insisted on taking it and cleaning it..actually I think she did this one day without me knowing, because I would've insisted that she NOT do it for the sake of my gag reflexes..haha :P But I can't believe how clean it is and how awesome she did!! amazing! Of course, I will never use that coffee maker again. I already have my pink one set up and the other will never set foot on my kitchen countertop again. Because I KNOW WHAT'S BEEN IN THERE. BUT maybe it will be a nice yard sale item. :) And I can buy some MORE BLEACH FOR THE BATHROOM!!!!!!
haha Ok enough of the madness. Enjoy your Wednesday evenings!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
June Going On
After posting this and checking it out...I realize that the pics all posted weirdly...so you will have to scroll around to find the pics that go with the copy..next time it will be fixed!
Ok well... I have a mish mash of thoughts and facts to share, none of which make one entire story so i'll just begin. :P
Baby had his first cold this month! Crappy thing is I got it to as well as my mother...so it was a pain to get through, because I felt like crap, and he was running fevers and being medicated as well as me being medicated and having to get up and nurse, and check temperatures, etc...haha SO needless to say, next time he gets a cold (or me) I am breaking out the face masks and pulling back on the kisses...because ONE cold in the household is ENOUGH at a time! And I have the worst immune system ever so we'll see what happens. Good thing he got over his cold in like 4 days, where mine took about 2 weeks, a doctor visit (Robbie went to doc too and got antibiotic eye drops) I got pill antibiotics, and am ALMOST through with this thing! yuck!
Today is Father's Day and Robbie stayed in the church nursery for the first time ever!! I figured since he got his first cold over with (from a daycare baby of course) we might as well hit up the nursery for the full on germs!! haha j/k He did fine and all the ladies LOVED him! They wanted to keep him. But of course, I was like gimme my baby!!! ha

I circled him in red there...cutest baby ever!!
Ok what else...
Well a few weeks ago I decided to take a stab at making my own homemade organic baby food. It went well. I made carrots. They are still in the freezer. haha Actually Baby Robbie has eaten some and he loves them just like everything else. :) It was easy, but I will probably just stick to buying the organic baby food currently, because I can get a good deal on them and it's easier. :P I have care packages to make now, so time is money!! haha Here are a few pics from that!

And also my sister Anna sang at Plant City's Bike night and here are some of the faves of that night!

I have been sewing my butt off getting my bags ready to open my etsy store... one day the baby grabbed a ribbon hanging from the table and pulled and down came everything including a bucket full of pins!!! He was covered in them and they were all over the floor. Thank goodness I was right there and I removed him from the area until I got them picked up. He wasn't hurt. He thought it was funny. I had to make a baby gate out of his toys to keep him away... hahaha See pic below

And here is a set of bags I made for my cousin...still trying to find a good way to take their picture...

Also I have been busy baking cookies and such for my next care package to send to Daddy Robbie! Baby Robbie likes to help and hang out in the kitchen...

Have had a little fun packaging them up and making labels as well. :P
Well that's all I got for now...Here's one more pic to last ya!
Ok well... I have a mish mash of thoughts and facts to share, none of which make one entire story so i'll just begin. :P
Baby had his first cold this month! Crappy thing is I got it to as well as my mother...so it was a pain to get through, because I felt like crap, and he was running fevers and being medicated as well as me being medicated and having to get up and nurse, and check temperatures, etc...haha SO needless to say, next time he gets a cold (or me) I am breaking out the face masks and pulling back on the kisses...because ONE cold in the household is ENOUGH at a time! And I have the worst immune system ever so we'll see what happens. Good thing he got over his cold in like 4 days, where mine took about 2 weeks, a doctor visit (Robbie went to doc too and got antibiotic eye drops) I got pill antibiotics, and am ALMOST through with this thing! yuck!
Today is Father's Day and Robbie stayed in the church nursery for the first time ever!! I figured since he got his first cold over with (from a daycare baby of course) we might as well hit up the nursery for the full on germs!! haha j/k He did fine and all the ladies LOVED him! They wanted to keep him. But of course, I was like gimme my baby!!! ha

I circled him in red there...cutest baby ever!!
Ok what else...
Well a few weeks ago I decided to take a stab at making my own homemade organic baby food. It went well. I made carrots. They are still in the freezer. haha Actually Baby Robbie has eaten some and he loves them just like everything else. :) It was easy, but I will probably just stick to buying the organic baby food currently, because I can get a good deal on them and it's easier. :P I have care packages to make now, so time is money!! haha Here are a few pics from that!

And also my sister Anna sang at Plant City's Bike night and here are some of the faves of that night!

I have been sewing my butt off getting my bags ready to open my etsy store... one day the baby grabbed a ribbon hanging from the table and pulled and down came everything including a bucket full of pins!!! He was covered in them and they were all over the floor. Thank goodness I was right there and I removed him from the area until I got them picked up. He wasn't hurt. He thought it was funny. I had to make a baby gate out of his toys to keep him away... hahaha See pic below

And here is a set of bags I made for my cousin...still trying to find a good way to take their picture...

Also I have been busy baking cookies and such for my next care package to send to Daddy Robbie! Baby Robbie likes to help and hang out in the kitchen...

Have had a little fun packaging them up and making labels as well. :P
Well that's all I got for now...Here's one more pic to last ya!

Friday, June 17, 2011
I love Keith Urban
This is a great song that always reminds me of MY Robbie.
"Without You"
I loved you since the very first day
When I caught you looking my way
I smiled and just knew it
And up until you came along
No one ever heard my song
Now it’s climbing with a bullet
It’s nice to have someone so honestly devoted
But when it’s said and done, girl I hope you know that
The traveling, the singing, it don't mean nothing without you
The fast cars, the guitars, they are all just second to this life
this love that you and I've been dreaming of for so long
Would all be as good as gone without you
Oh Without you yea yea
Along comes a baby girl
And suddenly my little world
Just got a whole lot bigger, yes it did
And people that I barely knew
They love me cause I’m part of you
Man it’s tough to figure
How two souls could be miles from one another
But still you and me somehow found each other
The traveling, the singing, it don't mean nothing without you
The fast cars, the guitars, they are all just second to this life
this love that you and I've been dreaming of for so long
Would all be as good as gone without you
Without you oh
Without you I’d survive
But I’d have to have the notion
That I could live this life
Just going through the motions
The traveling, the singing, it don't mean nothing without you
The fast cars, the guitars, they are all just second to this life
this love that you and I've been building up so high
It’s never gonna touch the sky without you
Without you
Without you baby baby baby without you
Without you
"Without You"
I loved you since the very first day
When I caught you looking my way
I smiled and just knew it
And up until you came along
No one ever heard my song
Now it’s climbing with a bullet
It’s nice to have someone so honestly devoted
But when it’s said and done, girl I hope you know that
The traveling, the singing, it don't mean nothing without you
The fast cars, the guitars, they are all just second to this life
this love that you and I've been dreaming of for so long
Would all be as good as gone without you
Oh Without you yea yea
Along comes a baby girl
And suddenly my little world
Just got a whole lot bigger, yes it did
And people that I barely knew
They love me cause I’m part of you
Man it’s tough to figure
How two souls could be miles from one another
But still you and me somehow found each other
The traveling, the singing, it don't mean nothing without you
The fast cars, the guitars, they are all just second to this life
this love that you and I've been dreaming of for so long
Would all be as good as gone without you
Without you oh
Without you I’d survive
But I’d have to have the notion
That I could live this life
Just going through the motions
The traveling, the singing, it don't mean nothing without you
The fast cars, the guitars, they are all just second to this life
this love that you and I've been building up so high
It’s never gonna touch the sky without you
Without you
Without you baby baby baby without you
Without you
Friday, May 27, 2011
Just because
I thought it would be interesting...
1. Make sure that infant is secure in carseat
2. Pack all toys, blankets, pacifiers etc. in backpack.
3. Remove belt
4. Upon reaching steel tables, grab 3-4 bins and spread out in case more bins or space is needed.
5. Remove laptop from backpack and place in its own bin.
6. Place belt, milk, formula, anything you think they might be interested in (diaper rash cream) in bin.
7. Upon reaching carpeted area, remove shoes and place in bin with belt.
8. Ensure all pockets are empty and contents are in a bin.
9. Arriving towards the dark hole where all things must pass, remove the infants carseat from stroller (with infant in it) and place on floor.
10. Collapse stroller quickly, folding handlebars, and breaking down all extraneous pieces (baskets) that may enlarge this piece of equipment.
11. Ignore all human around you who are staring with interest, amazement, curiosity or annoyance.
12. Pretend to have extrahuman strength and hoist stroller up onto table to pass through scanning machine.
13. Your bins may or may not have already passed through, but passing stroller and carseat first is desirable so that you can retrieve and place baby down first.
14. After your stroller is crammed through, unlatch baby and ensure carseat handle is in the down position.
15. Pickup baby with one arm and carseat with other.
16. Cram carseat through scanning hole.
17. Cram YOUR bins through after carseat.
18. Wait barefooted to pass through metal detector.
19. Once through metal detector, pull bins out, acknowledging security guy rummaging through one of your bags, testing diaper rash cream etc.
20. Get carseat, place baby in seat and try to strap in.
21. Get stroller next, open and place carseat in stroller.
22. Cram all your crap back in whatever bags you have.
23. Throw shoes on floor and slip on.
24. Give baby belt to chew on until you are past the hollering security guards as they push everyone to get your crap and get dressed over on the benches 10-15 feet away.
25. Breathe a sigh of relief. :)
1. Make sure that infant is secure in carseat
2. Pack all toys, blankets, pacifiers etc. in backpack.
3. Remove belt
4. Upon reaching steel tables, grab 3-4 bins and spread out in case more bins or space is needed.
5. Remove laptop from backpack and place in its own bin.
6. Place belt, milk, formula, anything you think they might be interested in (diaper rash cream) in bin.
7. Upon reaching carpeted area, remove shoes and place in bin with belt.
8. Ensure all pockets are empty and contents are in a bin.
9. Arriving towards the dark hole where all things must pass, remove the infants carseat from stroller (with infant in it) and place on floor.
10. Collapse stroller quickly, folding handlebars, and breaking down all extraneous pieces (baskets) that may enlarge this piece of equipment.
11. Ignore all human around you who are staring with interest, amazement, curiosity or annoyance.
12. Pretend to have extrahuman strength and hoist stroller up onto table to pass through scanning machine.
13. Your bins may or may not have already passed through, but passing stroller and carseat first is desirable so that you can retrieve and place baby down first.
14. After your stroller is crammed through, unlatch baby and ensure carseat handle is in the down position.
15. Pickup baby with one arm and carseat with other.
16. Cram carseat through scanning hole.
17. Cram YOUR bins through after carseat.
18. Wait barefooted to pass through metal detector.
19. Once through metal detector, pull bins out, acknowledging security guy rummaging through one of your bags, testing diaper rash cream etc.
20. Get carseat, place baby in seat and try to strap in.
21. Get stroller next, open and place carseat in stroller.
22. Cram all your crap back in whatever bags you have.
23. Throw shoes on floor and slip on.
24. Give baby belt to chew on until you are past the hollering security guards as they push everyone to get your crap and get dressed over on the benches 10-15 feet away.
25. Breathe a sigh of relief. :)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
ORGANIC! My new hobby.
"Organic food: Organic foods are foods that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives."
Yes I'm jumping on the bandwagon, and I thought I would document part of the journey. As a new mother, I have been reading all sorts of books, one in particular called SuperBaby! :) I skipped ahead to the toxic chapter, which in my opinion should be the first chapter! My thoughts on all this organic stuff....
Of course we all know their are toxins in our environment all around us everyday. But do we really know the extent of their existence? Or the damage they are actually doing? I have learned a lot just reading a few pages...and I feel that if there is anything I can do to make the health and well-being of my family even a tiny bit better, it is my job and my passion to do so. Now I know everyone is thinking..but it's sooo expensive...and well yes it is more pricey than ordering cheeseburgers from McDonalds every night. At this I think to myself, what luxuries I am living with...my iPhone, cable tv, internet, a nice car, the list goes on. And then I think, living Organically is also a luxury. In my opinion, one that could lead to a life, what I like to all-encompass as "cancer free". So unfortunately, it sounds like living in this world cancer free is a luxury...hmm...
I think I will invest in this luxury.
Ok well I hope that I will be able to shed some education on the subject in future posts. Thanks for reading!
Yes I'm jumping on the bandwagon, and I thought I would document part of the journey. As a new mother, I have been reading all sorts of books, one in particular called SuperBaby! :) I skipped ahead to the toxic chapter, which in my opinion should be the first chapter! My thoughts on all this organic stuff....
Of course we all know their are toxins in our environment all around us everyday. But do we really know the extent of their existence? Or the damage they are actually doing? I have learned a lot just reading a few pages...and I feel that if there is anything I can do to make the health and well-being of my family even a tiny bit better, it is my job and my passion to do so. Now I know everyone is thinking..but it's sooo expensive...and well yes it is more pricey than ordering cheeseburgers from McDonalds every night. At this I think to myself, what luxuries I am living with...my iPhone, cable tv, internet, a nice car, the list goes on. And then I think, living Organically is also a luxury. In my opinion, one that could lead to a life, what I like to all-encompass as "cancer free". So unfortunately, it sounds like living in this world cancer free is a luxury...hmm...
I think I will invest in this luxury.
Ok well I hope that I will be able to shed some education on the subject in future posts. Thanks for reading!
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