"Organic food: Organic foods are foods that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives."
Yes I'm jumping on the bandwagon, and I thought I would document part of the journey. As a new mother, I have been reading all sorts of books, one in particular called SuperBaby! :) I skipped ahead to the toxic chapter, which in my opinion should be the first chapter! My thoughts on all this organic stuff....
Of course we all know their are toxins in our environment all around us everyday. But do we really know the extent of their existence? Or the damage they are actually doing? I have learned a lot just reading a few pages...and I feel that if there is anything I can do to make the health and well-being of my family even a tiny bit better, it is my job and my passion to do so. Now I know everyone is thinking..but it's sooo expensive...and well yes it is more pricey than ordering cheeseburgers from McDonalds every night. At this I think to myself, what luxuries I am living with...my iPhone, cable tv, internet, a nice car, the list goes on. And then I think, living Organically is also a luxury. In my opinion, one that could lead to a life, what I like to all-encompass as "cancer free". So unfortunately, it sounds like living in this world cancer free is a luxury...hmm...
I think I will invest in this luxury.
Ok well I hope that I will be able to shed some education on the subject in future posts. Thanks for reading!
good luck!!!