My devotion today was on confidence. I have always thought that my fruit of the spirit was faith. Throughout all the trials I have faced, I have always been faithful in knowing that God was by my side, and no matter what it would work out as long as I was true to my faith.
The section in my devotion that stood out for me today was: "I then turn to God in prayer, allowing God's presence to illumine my mind and heart. In the silence, I reconnect with the essence of my being. Newfound energy surges within me, and my heart fills with optimism."
It is interesting that today Robbie and I had this very conversation about how we were both feeling optimistic about obstacles in our life. And we have both been praying like crazy about this specific thing that is out of our hands. Regardless of the outcome, we must remain faithful. I think faith is half the battle in keeping optimism and sanity. ha :) I know that it sure beats the path of worry.
I am steadily challenged to keep the faith. And that is what I am going to do...
On a completely different note, my baby shower is this Saturday! And my girls have something cooking that I can't wait to see! I am so excited about seeing all my girlfriends from around everywhere. I also have this weird but happy feeling that like I am finally getting prepared for Baby Robbie. And that I will have a child soon. And my heart is overcome with joy that I just want to cry sitting here typing this.. although I'm trying to stop.. haha
I hope I don't cry at the shower.. man. That will be embarrassing, but sometimes I just can't help it! Ok I'm good. This baby has been kicking all around. I started feeling him this week above the belly button. haha. Im thinking.. uh oh.. the painful part is coming.. I just know it. :) But so far, I love all his little flips and bumps. They are precious, and I just rub him with cocoa butter, haha, and tell him that rub is from his daddy. And to go easy on the stretch marks... none yet, but I'm prone to it..eep!
My grandmother has been so gracious letting me stay here. This has been the perfect place for me to be. Right in the center of everything. And I have such a big and spacious place to live. And privacy of my own. We were so blessed to have this room available. And I thank God for her everyday. Don't worry Grandmother, I will be out of your hair someday!! haha :)
On doctor visits, I have a Genetic Counseling appointment on Monday the 12th at 11:00 where they are going to go over some genetic stuff... We have some weird thing in our family that we just happen to know about that is similar to lactose intolerance, so we are going to learn more about that (my mom is accompanying me, she loves all that genetic doctor stuff) and then on Wed. the the 14th, I have a Level 2 Sonogram, this isn't the 3D one, I believe they just take a long look and make sure all the organs are there and growing. My mom and Robbie's mom Sandy are going and Sandy is going to try and video tape if they will let us so we can send it to Robbie. I also have blood drawn around the 20th, and my next doctor appt. is the 22nd I think... gotta check on that. So anyhow, July is looking to be a BUSY MONTH!!!
Ok well that's all I got for now... I will upload some new pics for your enjoyment!
Love ya'll.
P.S. If anyone knows anyone who wants a piano, I have one for free. They just have to move it.