This week brings some warmth!! As in the sunshine kind! I have actually been hot this week. Thanks to the 60 degree weather outdoors. The snow has almost completely melted and people are venturing outside of their homes. I have been running twice this week! And it was great to get some fresh air. Especially since I live with 3 animals... but anyways...
Things are in full swing here. We are still working working working on the house. It's definitely coming right along. Also the motions are going to move all of our things to storage. The army will store our things up to 3 months. Upon which they will deliver them to Lakeland and we will store them until I join Robbie in Germany. (later this year)
I have been doing a lot of freelance with the company that I worked for in Tampa. They still can't find a replacement and are swamped so I told them I would help out. The good thing is I am making like twice as much freelancing and I only have to be available half the hours... So it's working. Robbie has been busy at work getting final preparations taken care of and wrapping up his job here at Walter Reed. One awesome thing that happened this week, some big wigs flew in from somewhere and were I think unexpectedly dropping in to evaluate the department that Robbie has pretty much set up by himself and another few guys. He was nervous at first, but for no reason, because they gave him "stellar" reviews as Robbie called it. :) And I had no doubt they would! If it weren't for one tiny little paper being outdated they would have received the best facility of the year... now I know that I am saying this all wrong, but you get the general idea here. :) They highly commended them for the job they had done and even offered Robbie a position at their post in Texas. Of course, he said that he was on his way to Germany as of now. But it's nice to know he has connections! I am very proud of him.
Robbie acquired 2 tickets to the Washington Capitals Hockey game last night and we went to that. It was a lot of fun. We rode the metro into the city, and got a bite to eat at this sports bar. And then enjoyed the game, ate some junk food and went home. :) It was a great night out. Anyhow, that't about all I have for now!
We love you all and will see you soon!
Jennie & Robbie
House is looking good! So glad you guys are almost done and will be traveling home soon! Can't wait to see you and those big burly boys that have been sharing your shower :P