Thursday, March 25, 2010

Packing Day!!

Ok so as of right this very moment, 2/3 of our house is packed up. (well the part that is being packed anyways; we have a whole bedroom full or Robbie and my stuff that is accompanying us down to FL and Jerad has a whole bedroom+ that will be accompanying him to FL, but that still leaves A LOT OF STUFF). Anywho, the packers have been going at it since about 7:30 and are almost done. Another hourish. There are 4 of them. 2 men and 2 women. We all went through the house last night and sorted through most of it, so it is pretty easy today. Just get out of the way and let them do there thang! All of this stuff will be stored in Tampa for 3 months at which point it will come to Lakeland, FL to be stored by us. (At which time we will find all the boxes marked yard sale and HAVE A HUGE YARD SALE!!!) :)

Robbie is at Walter Reed right now with Jerad. He had a wisdom tooth pulled today. They put him out for it, so I am expecting him to be out of it when he returns home. I gotta move all this stuff off the bed so he can crash! (Having my 4 wisdom teeth removed was the worst physical experience of my life!! boo!!) But anyhow, I know Robbie had his others pulled while in Iraq on not much if any painkillers, so I can't imagine what could be worse than that. He made sure they were going to dope him up this time!! :)

As far as coming home, we still have a few things going on here. Robbie will not officially be on leave until sometime the week of the 5th I think. He is going to try and get out of there early, but that is up to chance right now. Once everything is out of the house (tomorrow) we won't have ANYTHING ELSE TO DO but work on the house. haha! :) Or sit and stare at each other. That could be good too. ;) So that is exactly what we will be doing (and have been doing). It's really coming together though. We are feeling confident that the house will rent for the price we need it to and quickly. Our friendly neighbors across the street just rented theirs out for around the price we are asking and ours is very comparable to theirs. Jerad will be renting some kind of uhaul trailer to bring all of his newly found belongings home with him. And the rest we wil be cramming in the back of all our vehicles. And that's right we have 3 vehicles all driving home this trip. One animal per car! :) Brody will be front seat of Jerad's truck; Rema will front seat of Robbie's truck; and Gray Baby will be under the seat in my truck. :) haha. Another unsure thing is I might be leaving a few days earlier than the boys to escape the labor of sanding and staining the floors. Once the little things are done and painting is complete I will most likely not be as needed. So that is something that has been discussed. I'll keep ya posted on that.

All in all, we are all looking forward to coming home to our family and friends. And can't wait to relax a little and enjoy everyone's company. And also the sunshine and the beach and fishing and southern food like okra and chicken and dumplings oh oh and maybe a pressed cuban and sweet tea, which by the way none of these things exist here... :(...
I have been so craving some good southern food. I think I will definitely have to hit up The Farmer's Market oh and cracker barrel once I get in. The closest we have to southern food here is KFC..... sad.......very........sad..... but we ate it anyways. :)

I might just stop at every cracker barrel along the way until I get home. mmmmmm!!! Sounds delicious!

Alright, well I hear some stirring, so I better go check on the movers and make sure they don't have any questions for me.

We love you all and look forward to seeing you!!
Jennie & Robbie

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