Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday, Monday

Happy Monday Morning to all!
OK so here's the latest. Friday I put in my 2 weeks notice. Yep that's right. I'm crazy. So today is the first day of the rest of my 2 weeks. Ha. And instead of working, I feel like Blogging. So here it is. We did a lot of work this weekend. On Friday, we did not work. We went out, hence the previous blog pics. :) It was great fun. I love dancing with Robbie. He's a good 2 stepper. And not afraid to dance with me all by ourselves. :) haha.
Saturday was a busy day. We (meaning 90% the boys) tore out the half bath downstairs. And then tiled it. While the boys were doing this though, I did go through a ton of boxes, threw out the trash, organized my yard sale pile and repacked non-essentials. Still have a few ton of boxes to go. But I put a huge dent in it! So when the boys were done tiling, we were 1.3 tiles short. Ha! So yesterday we jumped in the truck (in the crazy rain, and 30 degree weather) and went to Lowes. We picked up the tiles, and also got Big 16" tiles for the Master Bathroom Shower wall. We actually just picked up some samples for this. Then we hit up the Green Turtle sports bar which has awesome cheeseburgers, in which all 3 of us indulged. YUM!
And then onto the house where we realized that I had grabbed the wrong 2 tiles for the half bath. SOOOO I jumped in the truck ran back to Lowes while the boys worked in the master bath and exchanged the tiles. I also picked up 104 giant tiles for the master as we all liked the sample we brought back. And let me tell you, ME getting 104 giant heavy tiles is really funny. I mean I had to get help and all, but when we were done loading up the cart with 17 boxes of tile, I went to push it to the front, and it didn't even budge. haha So the Lowes dude had to push my cart to the front and out to the car. haha
And the boys worked a lot last night in the bathroom. They raised the ceiling up and nailed it into place. (Jerad was in the attic, there was a jack and 2x4 in the bathroom, and lots of loud noises; thats all i know) haha. BUT the boys do have an nail gun which I plan to find an excuse to use for something if not just target practice! I have always wanted to use one of those things!! sweet! Ok I know I'm weird, but that's ok. Moving on. The boys were getting so much done and I felt that I needed to do some work to, so I cleaned the whole house and dusted everywhere. And when that was done I decided to bake some apple bread. Ha. And when that was done, we ordered pizza and ate the apple bread. :) We also got to video chat last night with the Mama and Papa Carlisle's for about 15 minutes or so until my computer died. Dangit!
We are going to reconnect with them though tonight possibly!

Ok well today the boys are upstairs installing tile in the master shower, and I imagine they will be grouting this half bath today as well. I have some LOOOOONG boring conference meetings over the computer with work at 1:00-4:00-ish. And then maybe I can quit early and go for a run because it's a gorgeous day! :)

Ok well thats all for now. Love ya'll!

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