Nothing much has changed. I will hopefully be on the road either Friday or Saturday. I would love to be home for Easter, but we'll see. Some new plans that I do know of, Robbie and I are going camping in the Keys with his parents, Sandy and Tommy! We are so excited, I cannot wait. I love the keys, and the ocean, and the sunshine, and fishing. So it will pretty much be awesome. That will be the week of the 25th for those wondering.
Robbie leaves May 5th for Germany, so we have to squeeze in lots of hugs and kisses in the 3-4 weeks that he is there.
Love ya'll see you soon!!!!!!!!! Happy Easter!!!!!
Jennie & Robbie
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Sunday Sunday
The house projects are really starting to wind down. It's very exciting to see it all coming together. The floors, when finished, are going to bring it all together. Major projects almost finished now are the old pink bathroom. It's no longer pink! It is green; with a white tub that Robbie wonderfully refinished; and all brand new tile. It's 1,000% better than before. Also the kitchen has been tiled with giant 18" tiles. It looks wonderful. Still need grout there, but it will be done this week. the countertops have been refinished in black and look amazing. And the paint has started on the kitchen cabinets (the will be a cream color; primer has begun). Hopefully we will finish up the kitchen this week. Also painting the dining room area. And then the major thing will be the floors and touching up of any paint. I wish I was going to be able to stay and see the floors finished. It's going to be beautiful.
I still don't know exactly when I will be traveling home. Some time possibly Wednesday?? It is unclear as of yet. But I will post it when I do know.
OK that's all I got for now. Love ya'll!
Jennie & Robbie
I still don't know exactly when I will be traveling home. Some time possibly Wednesday?? It is unclear as of yet. But I will post it when I do know.
OK that's all I got for now. Love ya'll!
Jennie & Robbie
Friday, March 26, 2010
Ghost house....
"It's spoooooky"
Ok so it's not really. But all of our stuff is definitely gone. With the exception of our clothes and Jerad's room whom unfortunately for him, we all share now. :) hehe
Anyhow, the movers came around 7:45 and left around 4 I would say. It took them quite a while to pack all our stuff into the truck. They did move the piano though without any problems.
Robbie is now working on finishing up the kitchen countertops (refinishing them). And Jerad went to go get sized for his mother's up and coming wedding! :) I can't wait, it's going to be great fun!
Anywho, I have had a headache today, probably from doing nothing. I basically just sat around and (supervised) watched movies in Jerad's room while the movers moved. The boys were down at one of Jerad's clients houses working all day to make a buck so that was good.
It's going to be weird living with no furniture! Like camping basically in a house. We have lots of pillows and blankets though so we will be good to go for sleeping. We all three cozied up in Jerad's room last night to watch a movie. (our tv was packed) haha. And Jerad was kind enough to make a blanket and pillow pallet on the floor for himself. It was very nice of him.
It won't be long till we're in Florida!! Getting excited here. It's getting a little cold here again and I need some warmth! Please! and Thank you! :)
Alright that's all i have for now. Love ya'll
Jennie & Robbie
Ok so it's not really. But all of our stuff is definitely gone. With the exception of our clothes and Jerad's room whom unfortunately for him, we all share now. :) hehe
Anyhow, the movers came around 7:45 and left around 4 I would say. It took them quite a while to pack all our stuff into the truck. They did move the piano though without any problems.
Robbie is now working on finishing up the kitchen countertops (refinishing them). And Jerad went to go get sized for his mother's up and coming wedding! :) I can't wait, it's going to be great fun!
Anywho, I have had a headache today, probably from doing nothing. I basically just sat around and (supervised) watched movies in Jerad's room while the movers moved. The boys were down at one of Jerad's clients houses working all day to make a buck so that was good.
It's going to be weird living with no furniture! Like camping basically in a house. We have lots of pillows and blankets though so we will be good to go for sleeping. We all three cozied up in Jerad's room last night to watch a movie. (our tv was packed) haha. And Jerad was kind enough to make a blanket and pillow pallet on the floor for himself. It was very nice of him.
It won't be long till we're in Florida!! Getting excited here. It's getting a little cold here again and I need some warmth! Please! and Thank you! :)
Alright that's all i have for now. Love ya'll
Jennie & Robbie
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Packing Day!!
Ok so as of right this very moment, 2/3 of our house is packed up. (well the part that is being packed anyways; we have a whole bedroom full or Robbie and my stuff that is accompanying us down to FL and Jerad has a whole bedroom+ that will be accompanying him to FL, but that still leaves A LOT OF STUFF). Anywho, the packers have been going at it since about 7:30 and are almost done. Another hourish. There are 4 of them. 2 men and 2 women. We all went through the house last night and sorted through most of it, so it is pretty easy today. Just get out of the way and let them do there thang! All of this stuff will be stored in Tampa for 3 months at which point it will come to Lakeland, FL to be stored by us. (At which time we will find all the boxes marked yard sale and HAVE A HUGE YARD SALE!!!) :)
Robbie is at Walter Reed right now with Jerad. He had a wisdom tooth pulled today. They put him out for it, so I am expecting him to be out of it when he returns home. I gotta move all this stuff off the bed so he can crash! (Having my 4 wisdom teeth removed was the worst physical experience of my life!! boo!!) But anyhow, I know Robbie had his others pulled while in Iraq on not much if any painkillers, so I can't imagine what could be worse than that. He made sure they were going to dope him up this time!! :)
As far as coming home, we still have a few things going on here. Robbie will not officially be on leave until sometime the week of the 5th I think. He is going to try and get out of there early, but that is up to chance right now. Once everything is out of the house (tomorrow) we won't have ANYTHING ELSE TO DO but work on the house. haha! :) Or sit and stare at each other. That could be good too. ;) So that is exactly what we will be doing (and have been doing). It's really coming together though. We are feeling confident that the house will rent for the price we need it to and quickly. Our friendly neighbors across the street just rented theirs out for around the price we are asking and ours is very comparable to theirs. Jerad will be renting some kind of uhaul trailer to bring all of his newly found belongings home with him. And the rest we wil be cramming in the back of all our vehicles. And that's right we have 3 vehicles all driving home this trip. One animal per car! :) Brody will be front seat of Jerad's truck; Rema will front seat of Robbie's truck; and Gray Baby will be under the seat in my truck. :) haha. Another unsure thing is I might be leaving a few days earlier than the boys to escape the labor of sanding and staining the floors. Once the little things are done and painting is complete I will most likely not be as needed. So that is something that has been discussed. I'll keep ya posted on that.
All in all, we are all looking forward to coming home to our family and friends. And can't wait to relax a little and enjoy everyone's company. And also the sunshine and the beach and fishing and southern food like okra and chicken and dumplings oh oh and maybe a pressed cuban and sweet tea, which by the way none of these things exist here... :(...
I have been so craving some good southern food. I think I will definitely have to hit up The Farmer's Market oh and cracker barrel once I get in. The closest we have to southern food here is KFC..... sad.......very........sad..... but we ate it anyways. :)
I might just stop at every cracker barrel along the way until I get home. mmmmmm!!! Sounds delicious!
Alright, well I hear some stirring, so I better go check on the movers and make sure they don't have any questions for me.
We love you all and look forward to seeing you!!
Jennie & Robbie
Robbie is at Walter Reed right now with Jerad. He had a wisdom tooth pulled today. They put him out for it, so I am expecting him to be out of it when he returns home. I gotta move all this stuff off the bed so he can crash! (Having my 4 wisdom teeth removed was the worst physical experience of my life!! boo!!) But anyhow, I know Robbie had his others pulled while in Iraq on not much if any painkillers, so I can't imagine what could be worse than that. He made sure they were going to dope him up this time!! :)
As far as coming home, we still have a few things going on here. Robbie will not officially be on leave until sometime the week of the 5th I think. He is going to try and get out of there early, but that is up to chance right now. Once everything is out of the house (tomorrow) we won't have ANYTHING ELSE TO DO but work on the house. haha! :) Or sit and stare at each other. That could be good too. ;) So that is exactly what we will be doing (and have been doing). It's really coming together though. We are feeling confident that the house will rent for the price we need it to and quickly. Our friendly neighbors across the street just rented theirs out for around the price we are asking and ours is very comparable to theirs. Jerad will be renting some kind of uhaul trailer to bring all of his newly found belongings home with him. And the rest we wil be cramming in the back of all our vehicles. And that's right we have 3 vehicles all driving home this trip. One animal per car! :) Brody will be front seat of Jerad's truck; Rema will front seat of Robbie's truck; and Gray Baby will be under the seat in my truck. :) haha. Another unsure thing is I might be leaving a few days earlier than the boys to escape the labor of sanding and staining the floors. Once the little things are done and painting is complete I will most likely not be as needed. So that is something that has been discussed. I'll keep ya posted on that.
All in all, we are all looking forward to coming home to our family and friends. And can't wait to relax a little and enjoy everyone's company. And also the sunshine and the beach and fishing and southern food like okra and chicken and dumplings oh oh and maybe a pressed cuban and sweet tea, which by the way none of these things exist here... :(...
I have been so craving some good southern food. I think I will definitely have to hit up The Farmer's Market oh and cracker barrel once I get in. The closest we have to southern food here is KFC..... sad.......very........sad..... but we ate it anyways. :)
I might just stop at every cracker barrel along the way until I get home. mmmmmm!!! Sounds delicious!
Alright, well I hear some stirring, so I better go check on the movers and make sure they don't have any questions for me.
We love you all and look forward to seeing you!!
Jennie & Robbie
Friday, March 19, 2010
Time draws near!!
Alright, well we have been in full house mode this week since Robbie had off work. We got a ton of stuff done including remodeling the pink bathroom which had originally been up for debate. Needless to say, it's half way done a complete re-do. :) And it looks great. I will post pics when it's done. The living room has been painted and the bedrooms are almost all done as well. The last big projects will be the kitchen and the floors. And we have plans for both so thats a start! :)
The movers come on Wed. to pack up all of our belongings minus the things that we will be bringing to FL. Jerad will most likely rent a trailer because he will be bringing home a lot of inherited furniture and tools. :) Also I might come home a few days earlier than the boys to avoid the fumes from refinishing the floors. Also because I will need to drive during the daytime and not night. We each have a vehicle so there's no escaping me driving this time. :P
Other than that, there's not much going on. I am getting very excited to be home and see all my dear family and friends! I have been homesick here and there and it will be refreshing to hug each and everyone of you! :)
Alright well we love you guys!!
Jennie & Robbie
The movers come on Wed. to pack up all of our belongings minus the things that we will be bringing to FL. Jerad will most likely rent a trailer because he will be bringing home a lot of inherited furniture and tools. :) Also I might come home a few days earlier than the boys to avoid the fumes from refinishing the floors. Also because I will need to drive during the daytime and not night. We each have a vehicle so there's no escaping me driving this time. :P
Other than that, there's not much going on. I am getting very excited to be home and see all my dear family and friends! I have been homesick here and there and it will be refreshing to hug each and everyone of you! :)
Alright well we love you guys!!
Jennie & Robbie
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Life continues
Hello all,
This week brings some warmth!! As in the sunshine kind! I have actually been hot this week. Thanks to the 60 degree weather outdoors. The snow has almost completely melted and people are venturing outside of their homes. I have been running twice this week! And it was great to get some fresh air. Especially since I live with 3 animals... but anyways...
Things are in full swing here. We are still working working working on the house. It's definitely coming right along. Also the motions are going to move all of our things to storage. The army will store our things up to 3 months. Upon which they will deliver them to Lakeland and we will store them until I join Robbie in Germany. (later this year)
I have been doing a lot of freelance with the company that I worked for in Tampa. They still can't find a replacement and are swamped so I told them I would help out. The good thing is I am making like twice as much freelancing and I only have to be available half the hours... So it's working. Robbie has been busy at work getting final preparations taken care of and wrapping up his job here at Walter Reed. One awesome thing that happened this week, some big wigs flew in from somewhere and were I think unexpectedly dropping in to evaluate the department that Robbie has pretty much set up by himself and another few guys. He was nervous at first, but for no reason, because they gave him "stellar" reviews as Robbie called it. :) And I had no doubt they would! If it weren't for one tiny little paper being outdated they would have received the best facility of the year... now I know that I am saying this all wrong, but you get the general idea here. :) They highly commended them for the job they had done and even offered Robbie a position at their post in Texas. Of course, he said that he was on his way to Germany as of now. But it's nice to know he has connections! I am very proud of him.
Robbie acquired 2 tickets to the Washington Capitals Hockey game last night and we went to that. It was a lot of fun. We rode the metro into the city, and got a bite to eat at this sports bar. And then enjoyed the game, ate some junk food and went home. :) It was a great night out. Anyhow, that't about all I have for now!
We love you all and will see you soon!
Jennie & Robbie

This week brings some warmth!! As in the sunshine kind! I have actually been hot this week. Thanks to the 60 degree weather outdoors. The snow has almost completely melted and people are venturing outside of their homes. I have been running twice this week! And it was great to get some fresh air. Especially since I live with 3 animals... but anyways...
Things are in full swing here. We are still working working working on the house. It's definitely coming right along. Also the motions are going to move all of our things to storage. The army will store our things up to 3 months. Upon which they will deliver them to Lakeland and we will store them until I join Robbie in Germany. (later this year)
I have been doing a lot of freelance with the company that I worked for in Tampa. They still can't find a replacement and are swamped so I told them I would help out. The good thing is I am making like twice as much freelancing and I only have to be available half the hours... So it's working. Robbie has been busy at work getting final preparations taken care of and wrapping up his job here at Walter Reed. One awesome thing that happened this week, some big wigs flew in from somewhere and were I think unexpectedly dropping in to evaluate the department that Robbie has pretty much set up by himself and another few guys. He was nervous at first, but for no reason, because they gave him "stellar" reviews as Robbie called it. :) And I had no doubt they would! If it weren't for one tiny little paper being outdated they would have received the best facility of the year... now I know that I am saying this all wrong, but you get the general idea here. :) They highly commended them for the job they had done and even offered Robbie a position at their post in Texas. Of course, he said that he was on his way to Germany as of now. But it's nice to know he has connections! I am very proud of him.
Robbie acquired 2 tickets to the Washington Capitals Hockey game last night and we went to that. It was a lot of fun. We rode the metro into the city, and got a bite to eat at this sports bar. And then enjoyed the game, ate some junk food and went home. :) It was a great night out. Anyhow, that't about all I have for now!
We love you all and will see you soon!
Jennie & Robbie
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
It's still cold here!!! :P
Hello there!
Well I know I haven't posted much recently. So here it is. Our tentative date to leave the cold and return to (hopefully) sunny Florida is the first week in April!! So, we are in full speed ahead mode to complete this house! The basement is almost complete. Touching up paint today! Laundry room drywall is complete and painting will commence today. The boys are working on painting the stair area which is going to be interesting as the ceiling goes from the basement floor to the first floor ceiling height... So I don't know how they are going to get up there! I am sure I will take pictures though. :) Upstairs, the Master Bath Granite countertops have been ordered and paid for! We should be picking those up first thing next week. Then that room will be 100% DONE! yay!! We have been using the Master Shower and the rain shower and it is awesome. Well worth the boys hard work! The room we moved out of has been drywall touched up and painted and Jerad will move into that room today so that we can start on his room. Things are really starting to shape up around here! The movers come to pick up all of our belongings on March 25. We plan on refinishing the house floors after that date so that the house will be empty. (except for our bare essentials) Once the house is complete, we will hit the road!! Yay!! I look forward to seeing everyone. I have been homesick this week, missing my mom! and my crazy siblings! and all my family! And the SUN! haha. I can't wait to go outside again. That will be nice. :P
Anyhow, let's see well last weekend for my bday Robbie took me to NYC. And it was awesome! We had a blast. We went and saw 2 shows, one being Wicked on Broadway. They were both great, but Wicked was AWESOME! I hope to see it again with my girls in Tampa. We went to several cool restaurants and ate a lot of great food! Including Giant NY pizza! yum! We went to the Statue of Liberty and we took a horse carriage ride through Central Park. We rode the subway, which was extremely intricate and detailed, but we figured it out. Also Robbie asked me to marry him!! haha! In which I said yes! yeehaw! It was very romantic and beautiful. I cried... of course.... Anywho, let's see, we took a few cab rides, which were like riding a rollercaster! Crazy!! We had a blast and I can't wait to visit again. :)
Not much has changed besides all that. I think that my brother Ben is going to come help us out with the housework in a few weeks! That's right I'm putting him to work! It will be a huge help though. :) And I can't wait to see him! Jennifer might come up too for the weekend. (his wife) and I look forward to showing them around. It will be nice to have family here. Robbie has that week off, so we will be getting a lot of housework done. A lot!!!
Alright well I better get back to painting! Love yall! Miss yall!
Jennie Sue
Well I know I haven't posted much recently. So here it is. Our tentative date to leave the cold and return to (hopefully) sunny Florida is the first week in April!! So, we are in full speed ahead mode to complete this house! The basement is almost complete. Touching up paint today! Laundry room drywall is complete and painting will commence today. The boys are working on painting the stair area which is going to be interesting as the ceiling goes from the basement floor to the first floor ceiling height... So I don't know how they are going to get up there! I am sure I will take pictures though. :) Upstairs, the Master Bath Granite countertops have been ordered and paid for! We should be picking those up first thing next week. Then that room will be 100% DONE! yay!! We have been using the Master Shower and the rain shower and it is awesome. Well worth the boys hard work! The room we moved out of has been drywall touched up and painted and Jerad will move into that room today so that we can start on his room. Things are really starting to shape up around here! The movers come to pick up all of our belongings on March 25. We plan on refinishing the house floors after that date so that the house will be empty. (except for our bare essentials) Once the house is complete, we will hit the road!! Yay!! I look forward to seeing everyone. I have been homesick this week, missing my mom! and my crazy siblings! and all my family! And the SUN! haha. I can't wait to go outside again. That will be nice. :P
Anyhow, let's see well last weekend for my bday Robbie took me to NYC. And it was awesome! We had a blast. We went and saw 2 shows, one being Wicked on Broadway. They were both great, but Wicked was AWESOME! I hope to see it again with my girls in Tampa. We went to several cool restaurants and ate a lot of great food! Including Giant NY pizza! yum! We went to the Statue of Liberty and we took a horse carriage ride through Central Park. We rode the subway, which was extremely intricate and detailed, but we figured it out. Also Robbie asked me to marry him!! haha! In which I said yes! yeehaw! It was very romantic and beautiful. I cried... of course.... Anywho, let's see, we took a few cab rides, which were like riding a rollercaster! Crazy!! We had a blast and I can't wait to visit again. :)
Not much has changed besides all that. I think that my brother Ben is going to come help us out with the housework in a few weeks! That's right I'm putting him to work! It will be a huge help though. :) And I can't wait to see him! Jennifer might come up too for the weekend. (his wife) and I look forward to showing them around. It will be nice to have family here. Robbie has that week off, so we will be getting a lot of housework done. A lot!!!
Alright well I better get back to painting! Love yall! Miss yall!
Jennie Sue
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